Katedra matematiky zve na přednášku Some walks on square and hexagonal grids, která se koná ve středu 15. 3. 2023 od 15:00 v učebně CP 1.03. Přednášející Dr. habil. László Németh z univerzity v Šoproni nás seznámí s problematikou cest v grafech, které samy sebe nikdy neprotnou.
Anotace přednášky:
The investigation of self-avoiding walks on graphs has an extensive literature. We study the notion of wrong steps of self-avoiding walks on rectangular shape n × m grids of square cells (Manhattan graphs) and examine some general and special cases. We determine the number of self-avoiding walks with one and with two wrong steps in general. Furthermore, we establish some properties of the Pascal-like triangles corresponding to the walks.
We also present particular recurrence relations on the number of self-avoiding walks on the n × 2 grids with any specified number of wrong steps.
Moreover, we give recurrence relations for the numbers of the self-avoiding walks on hexagonal grid graphs.