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updated 5 Mar 2024

Research and scientific profile

An overview of publication profile available @ https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7503-6898

Fields of interest: performance assessment in banking, measurement of financial intermediation, data envelopment analysis (applications and methodology), Okun's law (applications and methodology), financial health prediction.

Current scientific projects: VEGA project # 1/0053/22 Spatial and structural disaggregation of Okun's law and the Phillips curve (principal investigator, 2022 – 2024), VEGA project # 1/0442/22 New DEA models applicable for regulatory purposes in financial and network industries (deputy investigator, 2022 – 2024)

Service to the academic community and cooperation

Journals: Forum Statisticum Slovacum, Slovak Statistical and Demographic Society, Slovakia (editor), Journal of Mathematical Extension, Islamic Azad University, Iran (editorial board member)

Reviews: Journal of Knowledge Economics, Economic Systems, European Journal of Operational Research, Central European Journal of Operations Research, Operational Research, Annals of Operations Research, International Journal of Bank Marketing, Applied Economics, Applied Economics Letters, Sage Open, Asian Journal of Economics and Banking, Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, International Journal of Emerging Markets, Economic Modelling, Ekonomický časopis, E+M Ekonomie a Management, Statistika: Statistics and Economy Journal, Economic Change and Restructuring, International Journal of Monetary Economics and Finance, Technological and Economic Development of Economy, Journal of Mathematical Extension, Iranian Journal of Management Studies, Journal of International Trade & Economic Development, Bulletin of Economic Research, Spatial Economic Analysis, Inquiry, and others

Conferences: Applications of Mathematics and Statistics in Economics (AMSE) 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2021, 2022, 2023 (scientific committee member), Fernstat 2011, 2016, 2018 (scientific committee member), Economic Theory and Practice (ETAP) 2017 (scientific committee member), International Days of Statistics and Economics (MSED) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 (scientific committee member)

Memberships: Federation of European National Statistical Societies / FENStatS (executive committee member, webmaster, since 2023), Slovak Statistical and Demographic Society (scientific secretary, since 2019; vice president for international relations since 2023, member since 2009), Czech Society for Operations Research (member, since 2015)


Most significant research works

Papers in journals

BOĎA, Martin, PINTER, Ľubomír, ZIMKOVÁ, Emília 2014. Nominálny výmenný kurz a swapy úverového zlyhania na vládne dlhopisy: kointegrácia a Grangerova kauzalita. [Nominal exchange rate and sovereign credit default swaps: Cointegration and Granger causality]. In Ekonomický časopis 62(1): 46-70.

BOĎA, Martin, ZIMKOVÁ, Emília 2015. Efficiency in the Slovak banking industry: a comparison of three approaches. In Prague Economic Papers. 25(4): 434-451. doi: 10.18267/j.pep.546

BOĎA, Martin, POVAŽANOVÁ, Mariana, MEDVEĎOVÁ, Petra 2015. (A)symetria v Okunovom zákone v štátoch Vyšehradskej skupiny. [(A)symmetry in Okun's law in the Visegrad Group countries]. In Politická ekonomie 63(6): 742-759. doi: 10.18267/j.polek.1024

BOĎA, Martin 2015. A slacks-based measure DEA methodology for identification of returns to scale in the Slovak banking sector. In Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis 63(6): 1847-1858. doi: 10.11118/actaun201563061847

BOĎA, Martin, ÚRADNÍČEK, Vladimír 2016. The portability of Altman's Z-score model to predicting corporate financial distress of Slovak companies. In Technological and Economic Development of Economy. 22(4): 532-553. doi: 10.3846/20294913.2016.1197165

BOĎA, Martin, ÚRADNÍČEK, Vladimír 2016. Zahrnutie váh a ich neistoty do kvantifikácie v rámci pyramidálneho rozkladu finančného ukazovateľa. [Inclusion of weights and their uncertainty into quantification within a pyramid decomposition of a financial indicator]. In Ekonomický časopis 64(1): 70-92.

BOĎA, Martin, ZIMKOVÁ, Emília 2016. Iso-analysis for knowing the sources of technical efficiency and performance. In Operational Research 18(2): 421-449. doi: 10.1007/s12351-016-0271-8

BOĎA, Martin, ZIMKOVÁ, Emília 2017. Malmquist index analysis of the recent development of the Slovak banking sector from two different angles. In Economic Change and Restructuring 50(2): 95-131. doi: 10.1007/s10644-016-9183-0

BOĎA, Martin 2017. Stochastic sensitivity analysis of concentration measures. In Central European Journal of Operations Research 25(2): 441-471. doi: 10.1007/s10100-016-0465-4

BOĎA, Martin 2017. Market power and efficiency as the source of performance in banking: a case study of the Slovak banking sector. In International Review of Applied Economics 32(5): 589-619. doi: 10.1080/ 02692171.2017.1360845

BOĎA, Martin, KANDEROVÁ, Mária 2017. Investment style preference and its effect upon performance of tracking portfolios. In Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis 65(6): 1851-18638. doi: 10.11118/actaun201765061851

BOĎA, Martin, ZIMKOVÁ, Emília 2018. Measuring financial intermediation: a model and application to the Slovak banking sector. In E&M Ekonomie a management 21(3): 155-170. doi: 10.15240/tul/001/2018-3-010

BOĎA, Martin, DLOUHÝ, Martin, ZIMKOVÁ, Emília 2018. Unobservable or omitted production variables in data envelopment analysis through unit-specific production trade-offs. In Central European Journal of Operations Research 26(4): 813-846. doi: 10.1007/s10100-018-0561-8

BOĎA, Martin, ZIMKOVÁ, Emília 2019. Spatial aspect in bank branch performance management. In Inżinerinė ekonomika - Engineering Economics 30(2): 128-139. doi: 10.5755/j01.ee.30.2.19210

BOĎA, Martin, POVAŽANOVÁ, Mariana 2019. Okun's law in the Visegrad Group countries. In Europe-Asia Studies 71(4): 608-647. doi: 10.1080/09668136.2019.1598936

BOĎA, Martin, ÚRADNÍČEK, Vladimír 2019. Predicting financial distress of Slovak agricultural enterprises. In Ekonomický časopis 67(4): 426-452.

BOĎA, Martin 2019. Zmena produktivity vo viacročných obdobiach: Hicksov-Moorsteenov index, jeho dekompozícia a banková aplikácia [Productivity change in multi-year periods: the Hicks-Moorsteen index, its Decomposition Bank Application]. In Politická ekonomie 67(2): 157-180. doi: 10.18267/j.polek.1235

BOĎA, Martin, POVAŽANOVÁ, Mariana 2019. Productivity patterns in Europe: adaptation of the Malmquist index to measuring group performance and productivity change over time. In Empirica (online first). doi: 10.1007/s10663-019-09466-1

BOĎA, Martin 2020. Classifying flexible measures in data envelopment analysis: A slacks-based measure – A comment. In Measurement 38(4): 150: 107045. doi: 10.1016/j.measurement.2019.107045

BOĎA, Martin, POVAŽANOVÁ, Mariana 2020. Formal and statistical aspects of estimating Okun's law at a regional level. In Papers in Regional Science 99(4): 1113-1136. doi: 10.1111/pirs.12511

BOĎA, Martin, ČUNDERLÍKOVÁ, Katarína 2020. Determinants of bank branch density: a case study of Slovakia. In International Journal of Bank Marketing 38(4): 933-959. doi: 10.1108/IJBM-07-2019-0267

BOĎA, Martin, ZIMKOVÁ, Emília 2020. A DEA model for measuring financial intermediation. In Economic Change and Restructuring (online first). doi: 10.1007/s10644-020-09281-w

BOĎA, Martin, DLOUHÝ, Martin, ZIMKOVÁ, Emília 2020. Modeling a shared hierarchical structure in data envelopment analysis: An application to bank branches. In Expert Systems with Applications 162: 113700. doi: 10.1016/j.eswa.2020.113700

BOĎA, M., PIKLOVÁ, Z. 2021. Impact of an input-output specification on efficiency scores in data envelopment analysis: A banking case study. RAIRO – Operations Research, 55, S1551–S1583. doi: 10.1051/ro/2020040.

BOĎA, M., POVAŽANOVÁ, M. 2021. Output-unemployment asymmetry in Okun coefficients for OECD countries. Economic Analysis and Policy 69: 307–323. doi: 10.1016/j.eap.2020.12.004

BOĎA, M., ZIMKOVÁ, E. 2021. A DEA model for measuring financial intermediation. Economic Change and Restructuring, 54(2), 339-370. doi: 10.1007/s10644-020-09281-w

BOĎA, M., ZIMKOVÁ, E. 2021. Overcoming the loan-to-deposit ratio by a financial intermediation measure-A perspective instrument of financial stability policy. Journal of Policy Modeling, 43(5), 1051–1069. doi: 10.1016/j.jpolmod.2021.03.012.

STRUK, M., BOĎA, M. 2022. Factors influencing performance in municipal solid waste management – A case study of Czech municipalities. Waste Management 139: 227–249. doi: 10.1016/j.wasman.2021.09.022

BOĎA, M., COLE, D., MURRAY SVIDROŇOVÁ, M., GUBALOVÁ, J. 2022. Prevailing narratives versus reality of a small and medium town decline in a CEE country. Operational Research 22(3): 3113–3145. doi: 10.1007/s12351-021-00651-4

BOĎA, M., ÚRADNÍČEK, V. 2023. Definition of financial distress supported by data in Slovak corporate conditions. European Journal of International Management, 21(4), 582–604. doi: 10.1504/ejim.2023. 134646

BOĎA, M., POVAŽANOVÁ, M., VALLUŠOVÁ, A., NEDELOVÁ, G. 2023. Gendered division of housework in Slovak couples: Life course and other factors. Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 1–21. doi: 10.1007/s10834-023-09926-8

BOĎA, M., POVAŽANOVÁ, M. 2023. How credible are Okun coefficients? The gap version of Okun's law for G7 economies. Economic Change and Restructuring, 56(3), 1467–1514. doi: 10.1007/s10644-022-09438-9

BOĎA, M., JEŘÁBEK, R. 2023. Corporate value, price and dividend policy: A case study of U.S. listed firms. Managerial and Decision Economics, 1–21. doi: 10.1002/mde.4024


BOĎA, Martin 2016. Selected methodological issues in technical efficiency measurement of bank branches. Praha : Wolters Kluwer, 2016. 108 pp. ISBN 978-80-7552-435-5.

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